Saturday, September 12, 2009

What do YOU think???

Ok, so you're at a party and you see somebody that you know. These people are not very nice to you, they don't talk to you, and give you looks each time they pass you. Ya, you're going to be nice and say hi, but then you get the look. So maybe you want to react, and say something bad....but have you read what Colossians 3:8? Watch you're is a big thing to think about.
Colossians 3:8
But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
What's you opinion??


Jay Miklovic said...

my opinion? you are always better to love your enemies... and Colossians 3:8 certainly applies like you have said.

Jenny Simcox said...

I agree with Jay. I mean everybody in the whole world is your brother and sister in Christ. I mean you have to love them they are family. Not by blood but by the love of our father Jesus Christ. It takes a lot for a person to change

Jay Miklovic said...
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Jay Miklovic said...


I may disagree slightly with Jenny here (though she is agreeing with me!.)

Every BELIEVER in the world is your brother and sister in Christ, born-again into the family of God. I would contend that someone becomes a child of God when they are 'born again'. Am I saying that not all people are children of God?

Look at John 8:42-44 and you will see that not all people are children of the Father.

Again, we are to love our enemies, because that is what Christ has done, and that is what He has commanded us to do, regardless of whether or not they are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Great job guys!!
